
840彩钢瓦屋顶铁皮瓦 屋面装修隔热选择彩钢瓦还是树脂瓦好? ...

408人阅读 2023-7-24 15:59


Color steel tile and resin tile are two kinds of tile common in our daily life, color steel tile is a new type of building materials. In recent years, resin tile with its durable characteristics are also widely recognized, also used in the roof. Many people don't know much about these two watts. In summer, the weather is getting hotter and hotter, and it often rains, in such weather, many customers are very concerned about their roof decoration should choose color steel tile or resin tile?


Color steel tile is the thin steel plate double-sided spraying, processed into a variety of ripples to give the sheet good mechanical, act as the roof tile, is a new type of light building materials. It is suitable for industrial and civil buildings, warehouse, special buildings, large-span steel structure building roof, wall and internal and external wall decoration, with light quality, high strength, rich color, convenient and fast construction, seismic, fire prevention, rain prevention, long life, maintenance free and other characteristics, has been widely promoted and applied.


Single-layer color steel tile is generally used in the workshop and other thermal insulation effect requirements are not high place. And if used in residential office, generally with color steel sandwich plate, in order to strengthen the heat insulation and sound insulation effect. The mechanical performance of color steel plate is good, large span, the construction is more convenient, beautiful appearance, the price is slightly higher.


General color steel tile substrate is galvanized substrate, if customers have special requirements to use aluminized zinc substrate is also can customize the general substrate thickness of 0.02mm-0.05mm, in general the substrate zinc content will directly affect the color steel tile rust degree, Foshan Wan Qing materials co., LTD., baosteel color coated roll suppression into color steel tile zinc content of the most common is 40g, the higher the zinc content, the higher the rust resistance ability is also. Color steel plate can have different plate thickness, different surface coating treatment, which is directly related to the color steel plate mechanical, anti-corrosion durability, heat insulation and other quality, the price will be different.





原作者: 佛山万庆物资