
佛山镀锌钢带佛山镀锌钢带 SGCC镀锌板卷会生锈吗?

346人阅读 2023-7-27 16:40


Will the galvanized sheet roll rust?


It depends on the degree of surface damage, if it is only a slight wear, will not cause too much impact, if the wear is more serious to expose the steel inside, then it may cause rust. The so-called will not rust is with atmospheric corrosion resistance.


Why does galvanized steel plate have corrosion resistance?


1) The coating is intact after galvanizing


Because zinc isolates air from steel base, only the corrosion of zinc occurs. Because the product of zinc corrosion has a good protection effect on zinc, the corrosion speed is very slow, and the life is 15~30 times that of ungalvanized steel plate.

例如,在中性或弱酸性(pH>5.2)的大气环境下, 钢板镀锌层经腐蚀后形成的浊产物为非溶性化合物(氢氧化锌、氧化锌和碳酸锌),这些产物将以沉淀形式析出,形成致密的薄层,一般可达8µm厚度。这种薄膜既有一定厚度又不容易溶解于水,附着性又很强,因此它能起到隔离大气和镀锌板的屏障作用,防止腐蚀进一步发展。

For example, in a neutral or weakly acidic (pH> 5.2) atmospheric environment, the corrosion formation of non-soluble compounds (zinc hydroxide, zinc oxide and zinc carbonate), these products will precipitate to form a dense thin layer, generally up to 8 µ m thickness. This film has a certain thickness and is not easy to dissolve in water, and the attachment is very strong, so it can play a barrier to isolate the atmosphere and galvanized plate, to prevent the further development of corrosion.


2) If the zinc layer is destroyed, sacrifice the corrosion effect


The zinc in the coating and the iron in the steel belt constitute the primary cell in the humid environment. Because the standard electrode potential of zinc is only-1.05V, lower than the-0.036V, the zinc is oxidized as the anode and the iron is protected as the cathode. Because the generation after zinc corrosion is very dense, the reaction speed is very slow, that is to say, the overall corrosion resistance is greatly improved. This anticorrosion method is called sacrificial anticorrosion.


After the coating damage, due to the sacrifice of corrosion, the steel base will also be protected, but if the damage reaches the steel base, the steel base is damaged, the sacrifice protection will be weakened, so the deeper damage must be rust prevention treatment (paint, etc.), to avoid further corrosion. In the protection of galvanizing layer is damaged, the surface of the steel part is exposed to the atmospheric environment, at this time, zinc and iron form micro batteries, the potential of zinc is significantly lower than that of iron, zinc as the anode to sacrifice the anode to protect the steel substrate, to prevent the corrosion of the steel plate.





原作者: 佛山万庆物资