采购镀锌钢板的时候有很多讲究,比如涂油不涂油,有无磷化处理等。下面小编就镀锌板涂油等知识简单普及一下: When purchasing galvanized steel plate, there are a lot of attention, such as oil without oil, there is no phosphorization treatment. The following small series of galvanized plate oil and other knowledge simple popularization: ▲镀锌板表面处理方法 ▲ Surface treatment method of galvanized sheet 按后处理的形态,镀锌板分为钝化、涂油、钝化涂油、漆封、磷化或不处理等类别。(1)钝化镀锌板:钝化镀锌板是为了减少在潮湿条件下产生白锈,在镀锌以后的产品表面进一步涂敷一层钝化保护膜。按钝化膜,的种类又分为六价铬钝化、三阶铬钝化、无铬钝化等产品,一般不用于锌铁合金板。(2)涂油镀锌板:涂油的目的同样是为了防止产品受潮而产生白锈。但由于防锈油极易挥发或被擦除,所以只能在使用之前发挥作用。涂油的方法有静电涂油和辊涂油等。如果要防止产品在使用期内产生白锈,最好采用钝化加涂油的办法。彩涂基板比较适宜轻涂油处理,所涂的油能在彩涂线前处理中被清洗去除。(3)漆封镀锌板:漆封俗称耐指纹产品,为了防止镀锌产品在加工过程中留下指纹,在镀锌后的产品表面再涂覆一层极薄的耐指纹保护膜,同时也能提高产品的耐腐蚀性能和产品的涂装性能。适用于家电产品的特殊需要。(4)磷化镀锌板。 According to the form of post-treatment, galvanized plates are divided into passivation, oil coating, passivation coating, patent sealing, phosphorization or untreated categories.(1) passivated galvanized plate: passivated galvanized plate is to reduce the production of white rust in wet conditions, after the product surface further coated with a layer of passivated protective film. According to the passivation film, the types are divided into hexavalent chromium passivation, third order chromium passivation, no chromium passivation and other products, generally not used in zinc ferroalloy plate.(2) oil galvanized plate: the purpose of oil is also to prevent the product damp and produce white rust. However, because the rust oil is extremely volatile or erased, it can only play a role before use. The methods of oil coating include electrostatic oil coating and roller oil coating. If you want to prevent the product from producing white rust during the use period, it is best to use the passivation and oil coating method. Color coating substrate is more suitable for light coating oil treatment, the coated oil can be cleaned and removed in the treatment before the color coating line.(3) patent seal galvanized plate: patent seal is commonly known as fingerprint resistant products, in order to prevent galvanized products in the processing process, the surface of the galvanized products is coated with a very thin fingerprint resistant protective film, but also to improve the corrosion resistance of the product and the coating performance of the product. Suitable for the special needs of home appliances products.(4) Phosphate galvanized plate. 镀锌钢板是为防止钢板表面遭受腐蚀,延长其使用寿命,在钢板表面涂以一层金属锌,这种涂锌的薄钢板称为镀锌板。镀锌是一种经常采用的经济而有效的防腐方法,全世界锌产量的一半左右均用于此工艺。 Galvanized steel plate is to prevent the corrosion of the steel plate surface, prolong its service life, on the surface of the steel plate coated with a layer of metal zinc, this kind of zinc coated thin steel plate is called galvanized plate. Galvanizing is an economical and effective corrosion prevention method, about half of the world's zinc production is used in this process. 购买镀锌板厂家有佛山万庆物资有限公司,佛山市万庆物资有限公司位于广东钢材批发市场---顺德乐从,是一家集钢铁销售、加工、配送于一体的优质钢贸企业。公司以专业的钢材服务立足市场,服务华南地区中小型企业逾3000家,为客户提供专业的钢材市场行情分析,同时也是浦项、宝钢、首钢、鞍钢等国内外大型钢铁企业的产品经销商,我们一直专心、专注经营各类涂镀钢板。 Galvanized sheet manufacturers are Foshan Wanqing Materials Co., LTD., Foshan Wanqing Materials Co., Ltd. is located in Guangdong steel wholesale market-Shunde Lecong, is a collection of steel sales, processing, distribution in one of the high quality steel trade enterprises. The company is based on the market with professional steel services, and serves more than 3000 small and medium-sized enterprises in south China, providing customers with professional steel market analysis, but also hang, Baosteel, Shougang, Ansteel and other domestic and foreign large steel enterprises, we have been focused on the operation of all kinds of coated steel plate. |