
家电彩涂板热镀锌分条彩涂开平板哑光乳白彩涂钢卷厂价供应现货期货 ...

579人阅读 2024-1-19 17:10


More materials used in home appliances, cold rolled plate, electric galvanized plate, hot galvanized plate, hot galvanized ferroalloy plate, color coated plate, coated plate have a certain proportion.


The method of treatment of the panel, the early use of powder coating proportion is very high, powder coating is a "after coating" process, home appliance shell in processing and molding powder coating, its coating thickness, high cost, low efficiency, single variety, and occupy large space, so it cannot meet the ever-changing requirements of the home appliance market.Especially because of the powder after heating curing, all power plant need to build curing furnace, will produce a large number of VOCs gas, is bigger to the influence on the environment, which has begun mass use color coating plate production home appliances, not only can reduce the production process of power plant, thinning coating, reduce costs, and facilitate the centralized treatment of VOCs gas.Color coating board belongs to the "pre-coating" process, in the home appliance industry called PCM board, according to the number of front painting road division, there are mainly one coating one drying (direct coating surface paint), two coating two drying (primer and surface paint) and three coating three drying (primer, surface paint and cover light varnish).


Compared to PCM plate, there is also coated plate, which is a unique variety of home appliance plate, which is obtained after high temperature peritoneal on cold rolled sheet or galvanized sheet surface. Its decorative effect and surface quality are very good, and it is widely used in refrigerators and other products.The coated plate is divided into VCM plate covered with PVC (polyvinyl chloride) film and ECM plate covered with PET (high temperature polyester resistance) film.VCM plates were prepared by pressing the PVC film at a certain temperature after applying adhesive on pre-passivation plates.





原作者: 佛山万庆物资