
乐从钢材批发市场 轻钢别墅主体龙骨用镀锌板好还是镀铝锌板好? ...

374人阅读 2023-4-28 17:40


Light steel villa main body keel with galvanized plate good or aluminum galvanized plate good?


Whether the main body of the light steel villa keel with galvanized plate or aluminum galvanized plate, are to see the needs of customers, it can be said that each has its own merits.


In recent years, with the vigorous development of light steel, light steel structure is in increasing demand for material.Light steel villa keel raw material (mainly refers to the steel keel) is mainly high strength galvanized plate and aluminum plating galvanized plate, as a building material, the need for high strength of steel material.

镀铝锌钢是铝锌合金结构组成,由55%铝、42.5%锌与1.5%硅在600℃高温下凝固而组成,其整个结构由铝、铁、硅、锌,形成致密的四元结晶体的一种合金。镀铝锌钢的耐腐蚀性主要是因为铝,铝的保护功能。当锌受到磨损时,铝便形成一层致密的氧化铝,阻止耐腐蚀性物质进一步的腐蚀内部。其耐大气腐蚀特性比常规热镀锌高许多,并具有良好的涂敷性,可使合金层和涂层间的结合长期保持稳定。镀铝锌钢的热反射率很高。铝锌合金成分为铝55%、锌43.5%及硅1.5%高度反射率,使其成为抗热的屏障,是镀锌钢的两倍 ,人们经常用它来作隔热的材料。且韧性好,可有较大变形,能很好地承受动力荷载,其次镀铝锌均匀质性和各向同性好,属理想弹性体,最符合一般工程力学的基本假定。

Aluminized galvanized steel plate is an aluminum-zinc alloy structure composed of 55% aluminum, 42.5% zinc and 1.5% silicon at high temperature of 600. The whole structure consists of aluminum, iron, silicon, zinc, forming an alloy of a dense four-dimensional crystal.The corrosion resistance of "aluminum galvanized steel" is mainly due to the protection function of aluminum and aluminum.When zinc is worn, aluminum forms a dense layer of alumina that prevents further corrosion of corrosion-resistant substances inside.Its atmospheric corrosion resistance is much higher than the conventional thermal galvanization, and has good coating properties, which can keep the combination between the alloy layer and the coating stable for a long time.The thermal reflectivity of aluminum-galvanized steel is very high.The aluminum-zinc alloy composition is 55% aluminum, 43.5% zinc and 1.5% silicon high reflectivity, making it a heat resistance barrier, twice that of galvanized steel, and it is often used as a heat insulation material.Moreover, good toughness, can have a large deformation, can well bear the power load, followed by aluminum galvanized uniformity and isotropic good, is the ideal elastomer, the most in line with the basic assumption of general engineering mechanics.

镀锌钢板主要金属、合金或者其它材料的表面镀一层锌以起美观、防锈等作用的表面处理技术。主要采用的方法是热镀锌,仅仅只有一层锌的金属元素,锌层可以对钢铁基件起到一个保护作用,免于腐蚀。 镀锌板是指表面镀有一层锌的钢板,在我国俗称为“白铁皮”,在建筑上的应用最为广泛,在没有作为彩涂基板以前它已经广泛应用于建筑行业,它的镀层表面状态是铸造态,表面有均匀光亮的锌花(在汽车和家电用镀锌多崇尚无锌花粗糙表面),有各种不同的表面状态。覆盖隔绝:锌与氧反应,形成致密的氧化膜,隔绝空气和水分,防止氧化。阴极保护:锌层某处被划伤,周围的锌会先融化变为铁的替身,保护裸露钢材不受腐蚀。

Galvanized steel plate is mainly a surface of metal, alloy or other materials plated with a layer of zinc, to play the role of beautiful, rust prevention and other surface treatment technology.The main method used is hot galvanization, only one layer of zinc metal element, zinc layer can play a protective role on the steel substrate, free from corrosion.Galvanized plate refers to the surface coated with a layer of zinc steel plate, commonly known as "tin" in China, the most widely used in buildings, before no color coating substrate it has been widely used in the construction industry, its coating surface state is casting, the surface has uniform bright zinc flowers (in cars and home appliances with galvanized advocating zinc flower rough surface), there are a variety of different surface states.Cover and isolation: zinc reacts with oxygen to form a dense oxide film, isolate air and water, and prevent oxidation.cathodic protection: zinc layer is cut somewhere, the surrounding zinc will melt into an iron double to protect the exposed steel from corrosion.


Now most companies or factories mainly use aluminum-plated galvanized steel plate as the main keel of light steel villas.In terms of high strength, are G550 high strength material, no difference above the material coefficient, but in terms of price, galvanized plate price will be lower than aluminum galvanized plate, but this is the market, because most are now using aluminum galvanized steel plate, galvanized steel volume in steel production, galvanized production is reduced, the market galvanized inventory is low.





原作者: 佛山万庆物资