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首页 不锈钢 201不锈钢 201不锈钢板厨柜折弯焊接性能好201彩色镜面装修装饰板古 ...






FsWq78 2023-9-4 17:13:29


201 型不锈钢是一种低镍、高加工硬化、奥氏体铬--锰不锈钢。201 型不锈钢不可通过热处理硬化。在某些情况下,它可以替代其他镍含量更高的合金。
Type 201 stainless steel is a low nickel, high processed hardened, austenitic chromium-nickel-manganese stainless steel. Type 201 stainless steel shall not be hardened by heat treatment. In some cases, it can replace other alloys with higher nickel content.
Stainless steel basically contains a very important element: nickel. This is also one of the big differences between 201 and 304, which is very low in nickel and has almost no nickel. Some people distinguish between stainless steel is to use a magnet suction, can suck up is not stainless steel, but this method is very general and not comprehensive, more not rigorous. Usually stainless steel has its physical properties, 201 hardness is higher, harder than 304. From the current market price, 201 stainless steel market price and 304 to be lower.201 Although its performance is general, but can be sold after surface treatment, because its price is relatively low, generally used in indoor decoration, its performance can generally meet the needs of simple decoration.
201 型不锈钢的典型用途电器、食品设备、炊具、水槽、汽车装饰件、建筑应用(例如门窗)、铁路车辆、拖车和软管夹。
Typical use of type 201 stainless steel: electrical appliances, food equipment, cooking utensils, sinks, automotive trim, building applications (e. g. doors and windows), railway vehicles, trailers and hose clips.
201 型不锈钢可成型为大多数形状,但除非在成型前退火,否则会加工硬化,不允许进行最严格的成型操作。
Type 201 stainless steel can be formed in most shapes, but it is hardened unless annealed before forming, and the most stringent molding operation is not allowed.

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